Monday, November 25, 2013

Q.P.A.: Answered! "Wolf dog?"

 Questions People Ask: Answered!

Even though the breed has been around for a long time, many Belgian Shepherd owners have to be ready with responses to some pretty common questions.... which we'll try to cover here.

 One of these is: "Is it part wolf?"

   The answer to that, of course, is "No".

~ As an aside: it is actually the German Shepherd that holds that honor, being founded by Captain Max
Von Stephanitz based on his prized dog "Hektor" (renamed "Horand" von Grafath); recorded to be three quarters herding dog and one quarter wolf.
 Later he brought in two more 1/4 wolf dogs as prominent breeding sires, and the progeny of these dogs Von Stephanitz so admired are the foundations of German Shepherds today. ~

 The Belgian Shepherd was established around the same time that Captain Von Stephanitz set up the German Shepherd Dog Club; the English Collie had been standardized shortly before as well... and a group of Belgian dog enthusiasts decided that Belgium needed a shepherd breed, too. They searched the various shepherds from around the country, and found that the province of Brabant supported a certain consistent type that was distinct from other country's breeds.
  This they choose to be the Belgian Shepherd, and in 1892 the first standard for the Belgian Shepherd Dog  was issued. It recognized three varieties: dogs with long coats, short coats and rough coats.

   There is absolutely no record or hint of a record (that I can find at all) that ever suggests there is any wolf in the Belgian Shepherd Dog.
    So even though the uninitiated will probably always ask "Is that a wolf dog?!" it is only the alert stance, pricked ears and proud bearing that makes people think of a regal, free spirit.
    And as Tervs all know, it's much better being partners.... and lots more fun!

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